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5 Financial Options For Seniors

Many seniors today are finding that there’s more life after retirement than money. A combination of a few bad years in the market and longer life spans (the latter obviously a good thing), means that there isn’t as much money to help them maintain a certain lifestyle throughout their retirement.

There are things seniors who are struggling financially can do, though, to help ease their financial burdens, like taking the five steps listed below.

1) Consult a Financial Planner

Financial advisors are not only good for helping people put away money for retirement. But they’re also good at taking a look at your financial situation and helping you maximize your money. Not only can they help you find new ways to extend your money to carry you through a longer retirement, but they can also help you create a budget and plan for your current financial situation.

2) Consider Part-Time Employment for Supplemental Income

Part-time jobs can help supplement retirement income in order to pay for everyday expenses, as well as a few extras along the way. Benefits go beyond this though and offer a social circle through retirement and a greater sense of purpose and independence.

3) Simplify Your Lifestyle

Consider using one vehicle instead of two, downsizing to a smaller home, or even getting rid of unnecessary subscriptions in order to cut costs and help you keep room in your budget for the things that matter most to you.

4) Utilize Discounts Available to Seniors

Seniors earned their right to enjoy discounts, right? Therefore, be sure to use them. AARP offers a long list of discounts in many areas, including home, auto, dining, and travel. Drugstores offer senior discount days, as do many restaurants and retail stores. Even some utility companies offers senior discounts. These discounts typically are 10 to 20 percent, and they can add up!

5) Obtain a Life Settlement

Life settlements allow people who have an existing life insurance policy to sell that policy to a third party for a value that is more than the policy’s surrender value and less than the death benefit. Viatical settlements a great way to enjoy the benefits of your cash in/out life insurance before your death and can help ease your financial struggles after retirement.

Any of these methods alone or in conjunction with other options can help you enjoy a little more life at the end of your original retirement savings or help you out of a tight spot during your Golden years.

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